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MDDr. Jana Bruna

MDDr. Jana Bruna studied Dental Medicine at the Charles University in Prague. In 2013, even before she graduated with degree in Dentistry, she joined the research group of Professor Jarmila Procházková at the Department of clinical and experimental stomatology of Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague. She pursues a doctoral degree in Preventive Medicine, concentrating on side-effects of metallic implant materials. She works as general dentist, translates dentistry books and writes research articles. Her goal is to be a highly skilled dentist and an active researcher. Dr. Bruna holds the position of scientific secretary of the Czech Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, which maintains an overview of the most important and up-to-date research studies in the field of dental sleep medicine for its members.

‘My main interest is in oral implantogy, minimal invasive surgery and dental sleep medicine. I like to make my patients happy by creating treatment plans that best meet their needs.’